Welcome to Paige Turner’s library, the repository of all past Murder Village whodunnits. The book may be closed on these cases, but they stand here as totems to those villagers lost to murder most foul. Fittingly, at least three of them died at Paige Turner’s hand. That is, before she herself was murdered.

  1. The Culling of Thirsten Cheesesmith (Brisbane debut season, 2016)

  2. The Final Call of Gilbert Flim (Brisbane debut season, 2016)

  3. The Besting of Bethany Bulger (Brisbane debut season, 2016)

  4. The Violent Homicide of Violet Haberdashery (Brisbane debut season, 2016)

  5. The Slaughter of Henry Stuffins (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  6. The Maiming of Bassam R’ad Montefiore (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  7. The Burying of Miriam Boggs (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  8. The Termination of Thomaston Newberry (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  9. The Scythe Falls on Moltebene Fettuccini (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  10. The Finishing of Hans Foottee (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  11. The Offing of Father Seamus O’Reilly (Melbourne Fringe 2018)

  12. The Ruining of Rufus P Firefly (MICF 2019)

  13. The Extinguishing of Elspeth McAvoy (MICF 2019)

  14. The Dear Departure of Douglas Spade (MICF 2019)

  15. The Rubbing Out of Reginald Earl Publican (MICF 2019)

  16. The Downfall of Dorothy Barlow (MICF 2019)

  17. The Tomb of Tom Nigel Townsend (MICF 2019)

  18. The Croaking of Crumpler (MICF 2019)

  19. The Grave Ending of Professor Gregory Thyme (MICF 2019)

  20. The Snuffing of Suzette Crouquebouche-Smith (MICF 2019)

  21. The Eternal Rest of Reverend Ginger Montgomery (MICF 2019)

  22. The Parting of Flossie Partridge (MICF 2019)

  23. The Last Rites of Lennie Redgrave (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  24. The Liquidation of Lady Agapanthus Grey (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  25. The Judging of Justin Case (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  26. The Mortality of Mortimore Pale (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  27. The Bumping Off of Ivory Black (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  28. The Last Tango of Kenneth Tyres (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  29. The Choir Invisible Sings for Harold le Carre (Melbourne Fringe 2019)

  30. The Cessation of Cora Jett (Monthly show 2019)

  31. The Veil Descends on Cyrus Vale (Monthly show 2019)

  32. The Usurping of Turpsickery Tell (Monthly show 2019)

  33. The Slaying of Noel Steepblum (Monthly show 2020)

  34. The Blotting Out of Prunella Bundt (Monthly show 2020)

  35. The Wilting of Winifred Frank (Monthly show 2021)

  36. The Mauling of Muffy Winterbotham (Monthly show 2021)

  37. The Final Sermon of Father Francis O’Francis (MICF 2021)

  38. The Doom of Dora Knock (MICF 2021)

  39. The Perishing of Perseus Waddington-Smythe (MICF 2021)

  40. The Demise of Delia Bashford (MICF 2021)

  41. The Dispatching of Dilbert Hackney (MICF 2021)

  42. The Last Adventure of Lewis Trotter (MICF 2021)

  43. The Garroting of Cynthia Golddigger (MICF 2021)

  44. The Corpse of Corrigan Gormund (MICF 2021)

  45. The (Actual) Final Sermon of Father Francis O’Francis (MICF 2021)

  46. The Offstage Death of Melanie O’Drama (MICF 2021)

  47. The Doggy Noose Claims Dr Nelson Hawthorne (MICF 2021)

  48. The Felling of Thomas Friday (MICF 2021)

  49. The Death March of Mavis Dirigible (Monthly show 2021)

  50. The (P)undoing of Paige Turner (Monthly show 2022)

  51. The Book Shuts on W. B. Bebebebe (Monthly show 2022)

  52. The Poaching of Dr Malcolm Prexis (Monthly show 2022)

  53. The Body and Blood of Father Benjamin McTavish (MICF 2022)

  54. The Final Brushstroke of Filagree Hatchett (MICF 2022)

  55. The Topping of Topsy Tomlinson (MICF 2022)

  56. The Smoking of Sarah Blame (MICF 2022)

  57. The Killing of Ken Folds (MICF 2022)

  58. The Flaying of Frances Tunbridge-Wells (MICF 2022)

  59. The Silencing of Shirley Knot (MICF 2022)

  60. The Grandfather Clock Chimes for Gunter Von Winkle (MICF 2022)

  61. The Perdition of Peg Vinaigrette (MICF 2022)

  62. The Final Train for Tarquín Foxworthy (MICF 2022)

  63. The Grim Reaper Claims Sir David Goosestep (MICF 2022)

  64. The Transfixion of Captain Evelyn Trout (Monthly show 2022)

  65. The Ruination of Rita Book (Monthly show 2022)

  66. The Bloodletting of Lenny Bracegirdle (Monthly show 2022)

  67. The Suffering of St-John Simeon-Poke (Monthly show 2022)

  68. The Finishing of Phyllis Fardon (Monthly show 2022)

  69. The Ravaging of Winchester Radcliffe (Monthly show 2022)

  70. The Last Hoot of Hubert Hoots (Sydney Fringe 2022)

  71. The Death of Sister Berta Dorothea (Sydney Fringe 2022)

  72. The Bludgeoning of Edna Blodge (Sydney Fringe 2022)

  73. The Blasting of Jeremy Blythe (Sydney Fringe 2022)

  74. The Fall of Filagree Hatchett (Sydney Fringe 2022)

  75. The Snuffing of Jimmy Snuffs (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  76. The Slashing of Simeon St-John-Poke (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  77. The Removal of Dr Ronnie Jolimont (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  78. The Sentencing of Wilhelmina Schnaps (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  79. The End of Edna Blodge (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  80. The Waiter Tumbles on Elspeth Tunbridge-Wells (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  81. The Murder of Bassam R’ad Montefiore (Melbourne Fringe 2022)

  82. The Plight of Norman De Plume (Monthly show 2022)

  83. The Denouement of Jheeves De Butler (Monthly show 2023)

  84. The Fatal Diagnosis of Dr Otto Fraüd (Monthly show 2023)

  85. The Alarming Fate of Annette Haskins (Monthly show 2023)

  86. The Dying Days of Dr Maxwell Doctor, M.D. (MICF 2023)

  87. The Tomb of Jeremy Toots (MICF 2023)

  88. The Vanquishing of Victoria Puffs (MICF 2023)

  89. The Annihilation of Alan Alamein (MICF 2023)

  90. The Calling of Time on Tippi Hooch (MICF 2023)

  91. The Post Mortem of Marie Pippins (MICF 2023)

  92. The Gluttony of Gaston De Gruyere (MICF 2023)

  93. The Praying Upon of Vicar Victor Prays (MICF 2023)

  94. The Persecution of Sir Phillip P. Gibbet (MICF 2023)

  95. The Backstabbing of Barney Bottles (MICF 2023)

  96. The Deconstruction of Delores Defromage (MICF 2023)

  97. The Poisoning of Penny Dole (MICF 2023)

  98. The Repose of Colonel Oliver Redgrave (Brisbane Comedy Festival 2023)

  99. The Trouncing of Wolfgang Trotter (BCF 2023)

  100. The Haunting of Filagree Hatchett (BCF 2023)

  101. The Piercing of Colonel Robert Pewsey (Monthly show 2023)

  102. The Bloodshed of Teddy Brewster (Earl of Wooster) (Monthly show 2023)

  103. The Fangs Sink into Mallory San Freud (Sydney season, 2023)

  104. The Undoing of Duke Swingbottom (Sydney season, 2023)

  105. The Gunning Down of Reggie Gamble (Sydney season, 2023)

  106. The Pressing of Picollo Porcini (Sydney season, 2023)

  107. The Campaign Ends for Caspian Bellamy (Sydney season, 2023)

  108. The Gory Lot of Gordon McLeash (Monthly show 2023)

  109. The Agony of Agnes Tunbridge-Wells (Monthly show 2023)

  110. The Funeral of Charles “Chip” Fry (Monthly show 2023)

  111. The Last Night of June Lily Napkins (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  112. The Striking Down of Ivo Sinclair (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  113. The Curtain Closes on Chelsea Bunce (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  114. The Assassination of Daisy Allsorts (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  115. The Stopping of Prudence Stockbridge (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  116. The Tea-Leaves Doom Theophania Dalrymple (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  117. The Homocide of Harriet Hovel (Melbourne Fringe 2023)

  118. The Loss of Kathy Log (Monthly show 2023)

  119. The Bitter End of Leah Brewster (Monthly show 2023)

  120. The Battering of Brock Dalton (Monthly show 2024)

  121. The Denouement of Daisy Allsorts (Fringe World 2024)

  122. The Passing of Lawrence Potsworthy (Fringe World 2024)

  123. The Symphony of Shirley Knot (Fringe World 2024)

  124. The Abdication of Lady Aster Tudor (Fringe World 2024)

  125. The Interment of Isabella White (Fringe World 2024)

  126. The Cadaver of Dolce Cabana (Fringe World 2024)

  127. The Scepter Strikes Sasha Moore (Fringe World 2024)

  128. The Death Knell of Maxwell Doctor (Fringe World 2024)

  129. The Decaying of Daisy Blossom (Monthly show 2024)

  130. The Malleting of Gordon McLeash (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  131. The Last Dance of Delores Defromage (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  132. The Twisting Tale of Teddy Brewster (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  133. The Puncturing of Norman De Plume (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  134. The Final Meal of Francis Gauge (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  135. The Dart Strikes Sir David Goosestep (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  136. The Expiration of Dr Eustace Treat (Adelaide Fringe 2024)

  137. The Early Exit of Eddy Brewster (MICF 2024)

  138. The Suffocation of Sasha Moore (MICF 2024)

  139. The Chips Fall Down on Dolce Cabana (MICF 2024)

  140. The Butchering of Florence Bevan (MICF 2024)

  141. The Mystery of Myrtle Merrychild (MICF 2024)

  142. The Damning of Dame Petronella Citronella (MICF 2024)

  143. The Extermination of Ernie Tologee (MICF 2024)

  144. The Conundrum of Caspian Bellamy (MICF 2024)

  145. The Taking of Tate Modern (MICF 2024)

  146. The Cards Turn on Carmelita Closer (MICF 2024)

  147. The Jury Damns Justine Birdwhistle (MICF 2024)

  148. The Burial of Babette Du Bouillabaisse (MICF 2024)

  149. The Sacrifice of Clarissa Spalding (MICF 2024)

  150. The Problem of Pierce Pollen (MICF 2024)

  151. The Parish Lands on Lawrence Potsworthy (MICF 2024)

  152. The Execution of Ellen Cornwallis (MICF 2024)

  153. The Destiny of Plum “Duffy” Duff (MICF 2024)

  154. The Matter of Lester Members (MICF 2024)

  155. The Whodunnit of Percival Worthington (MICF 2024)

  156. The Attack on Lady Aster Tudor (MICF 2024)

  157. The Tragedy of Thomas Pinot (MICF 2024)

  158. The Flames Mark Monty McFurphy (MICF 2024)

  159. The Punishment of Peter Pelaton (MICF 2024)

  160. The Finale of Fedora Canatoni (MICF 2024)

  161. The Puzzle of Pierce Pollen (Brisbane Comedy Festival 2024)

  162. The Strangulation of Reverend Lucius Sinn (BCF 2024)

  163. The Masked Massacre of Tate Modern (BCF 2024)

  164. The Fate of Frances Tunbridge-Wells (BCF 2024)

  165. The Sabotage of Schatzi Sassoon (BCF 2024)

Gilbert Flim (Jim Reynolds), battered to death with a frozen trout during the opening night of a trout-themed musical. Photo by Sam Clifford.

Gilbert Flim (Jim Reynolds), battered to death with a frozen trout during the opening night of a trout-themed musical. Photo by Sam Clifford.

The sordid set of suspects involved in the last days of Turpsickery Tell (Jason Geary), who was drowned in a baptisimal font, naturally. Actually, technically it wasn’t a natural death; a nun did it.

The sordid set of suspects involved in the last days of Turpsickery Tell (Jason Geary), who was drowned in a baptisimal font, naturally. Actually, technically it wasn’t a natural death; a nun did it.

Just a couple of years after one nun killed Turpsickery Tell, another nun killed Shirley Knot (Amy Moule). Legislation is currently being drafted by the village councillors to ensure a strict ban on all nun-related activity in Murder Village.

Prefer your murder mysteries in paperback form? Murder Village’s own Aragon Pewter - Lliam Amor - designed an amazing suite of jackets for your pleasure.

Herbert La Pelouse (Cale Bain), onery sod farmer and recently unmasked killer of car salesman Reggie Gamble, prepares to be carted off to Murder Village’s lone gaol cell by Detective Inspector Owen Gullet (David Massingham). Onlookers June Lily Napkins and Francis Gauge smirk. Photo by Bec Purser.

Italian fashion designer Dolce Cabana (Amy Moule) was one of the eight bodies discovered in the Village Green when we temporarily set up shop in Perth at the 2024 Fringe World Festival. Ageing child star Agatha Pantha (Kathryn Tohill) was responsible for this particular cadaver… as it happens, it was her second murder for the day.